Wednesday, May 26, 2010 @ 6:38 PM

Okay, sorry. I've been very busy and super lazy to update this blog. I dont even know who reads my blog :/
School been SUPER GREAT(:
Met Natasha recently, sleptover since both our parent weren't in Singapore.
Met Rieyn too, like FINALLY LA! OMG, i swear i miss her like fuck.
I think if i ever lost this 2 people, i think i just can dieeee.
YOU MEAN A WORLD TO ME(:P.s Sorry i cancel plans fr today. Im really sorry. I've got no money now. SORRY ! :(
Next week, i promise.
Met Yayah Hannah and the rest on Monday night to celebrate Mym's birthday. I miss everyone so much, like seriously. I want my secondary school life back. WHERE'S MY SC? Anyways, we had a blast catching up. (:
I love my class OR ROCKS(:
Will post a picture of them soon okay(:
Im happy (:
Only hate times when im having my period:(
FUCK, which just came.
Labels: SO FAST
Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 9:34 PM

I hate moodswings. Seriously man .
1 min in happy girl next thing you know
i just wanna cry and die.
I am very weird or am i not the only one ?
Tsk .
My name is Choco. I dont hate people if theres no reason to it .
Only if you're being an ass , i'll be an ass too. If you're nice im nice too.
Dont call me a bitch cause i show you what a bitch i can be (:
Lalalalala~ Im just so happy now. I dont know why.
Hehe, byebye(:
Labels: IS MY NAME(:
Friday, May 7, 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Sorry didnt post this ytd. You know what happen;)
Wow , 17 eh ? One more year eh , than go clubbing with me tau . DONT FORGET ! Time flies ohhh sooo fastt. Huhu :( I miss the old time. Times when we were SUPER FUCKING SLIM:( I WANT MY HOT SEC 2 BODY MANS. OMG , well we been through ALOT for 6/7 years? I hope this friendship will last long till we both get married and have children, hehe (: We live overseas okay? HAHA, macam paham. Dah dah . All i wanna say is
i love you natasha(: hehe, kisskiss.
Doing that thing you do.,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 5:18 PM

Malas, i swear.
Labels: Never good enough.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 2:02 AM
What happen when we die ?
Will it hurt?
How are we gonna die ?
Question that cant be answered .
I dont wanna think and scare myself to sleep .
Life is wonderful . Love life. Be grateful that you're actually
alive (:
Ilovemylife, dontyou ?
Labels: Blue nails(:
Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 1:46 AM

Useless webcam . Amelia me daddy(:
We'll see who need who (:
Amelia is back in perth and i truly miss her to hell.
I miss coming back from school and hear her say
"Hello Kakak Chocoooo(: " and hug me . Damn it .
We'll see her soon (: Baby boy is on the wayyyyyyy!
Another boy in the family . I love my family.
I love everyone ! I love MYSELF (:
Been karaoke with family alot lately. Funnnnn(:
Gotto start focusing on school !
UPUB , never thought i would but i do .
Labels: ILOVEYOU(: