We're backkkkk,
Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 1:12 AM

My hair is ugly :( **Ignore the bacin face, thankyou(:
If you're dumb , its black .
I didnt dye it black but dark brown
But it came out as black as BLACK!
Fuck , i want my old hair .
Labels: ily
Friday, April 23, 2010 @ 3:39 PM

I love studying . I do .
I hate School. I do .
I love my friends , i don't know.
Feeling sick as ever.
Wanted to know how far it is. And its not that bad.
Feeling lonely and just wanna be alone , shall just walk home .
Went karaoke with family yesterday and it was a blast i tell ya.
The room was fucking small, omg.
Everyone was singing having fun . Jumping,dancing it was like a CLUB .
And parents were around. Haha , well my dad join in with the dancing and everythng .
It was fun . People keep peeping in our room since the door was transparent .
It was awesome. Never had an outing with family this side till this late. When home around 2.
And today we'll be having a wedding dinner . So full day ahead. Siap !
Old days.,
@ 3:31 PM
I don't want us to fall apart.
I don't want to be with people i dont like.
I want us back , like it was.
Even though its different :(
Labels: Like we were.
Dont be an ass,
@ 12:39 AM

Kak Julie's wedding was a blast. Everyone was SUPER tired. Took many picture.
Uncle Pai made a slide show of all the picture taken . And everybody was complaining that in every 3 picture theres at least my face in it . Haha , well what to do . The camera loves me (:
I miss Sha and Rieyn :( Bye . Gotto wake up at 6 tomorrow. Cb. Nights(:
Labels: I wont entertain you .
Those fake smiles.,
Monday, April 19, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
I still want my old life back :'(
Nothing is right .
I'm softer than ever .
What's going on ?
Labels: You see.
Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 12:10 AM

It takes time (:
Kak Julie's wedding coming soon . This weekend to be exact.
So im gonna be VERY BUSY (: Haha , Im excited.
Wah , redlight coming. Bare with my emotions (:
Imy :(
Labels: Kiss me
BIG is beautiful,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 9:06 PM

Hello , i love this picture ! No edit no nothing uh . And i NEVER edit my pictures.
Im fat , and i love it (:
School been , great (: Made friends with lovely people . And Shahrul is in my class, fuck yeah (:
Havent start studying yet. But books have been given out , and its like CPA text book . Wow.
What a waste of money . But its okay(:
Gotto dye my hair black , well im dying it dark brown . Since dying it Jet black is a sin (:
I miss everyone , i miss 4NT10 . I miss SC, i miss Drama:(
I miss secondary school life.
Labels: It'll come .
Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 10:55 PM

School starting in
2 days . Wow .
Never thought the time would come.
Fuck, ive not been to school since October
And now im starting a new one.
Hope my brain still knows how to
funtion right .
Labels: Fucka
I do .,
@ 10:50 PM

I said what i had to say.
I told you not to say anythng if you had nothing to say .
But i was hoping you would .
Well, thats done.
Labels: Hopeless
Friday, April 9, 2010 @ 10:39 PM

Wtf, im sick . NATASHA LAA ! Virus being passed. Tsk .
Anyways , Aunty Na family and my sis went to KL fr a trip . So bed is all mine fr 3 days i think ?
So sha came by IN THE MORNING . Next thing you know , when i wake up she sleeping also . So i clean the house ate breakfast which dad bought clean the house somemore , watch tv Bathe and got ready . Left the house at 6 then bla bla bla . Haha. At night met Rieyn at Mac talk talk talk and head home.
My life's boring, Sorry. Will upload more pic soon (: Which can be found ALL in natasha's blog. But i shall only pick the nice ones of ME (: Hahahha. Bye .
Up above,
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Nowadays, i feel that there's nothing fr me to say .
My life been the same, quit work.
School gonna start .
Loving my friends.
I just hope you'll realise one day . ((:
Labels: kills me deep.
What she said.,
Saturday, April 3, 2010 @ 5:01 AM
Maybe it was all meant to be.
Labels: It'll come .
Atuk , imy :(,
Friday, April 2, 2010 @ 10:23 PM
School gonna start soon , life sucks.
Been V.emotional nowadays .
With Natasha's story and all.
Sha , do know that he loves you very much
And all his asking fr is the best fr you.
Been thinking bout my late grandfather, since i work next to where to the old folks home is.
Tried my best not to cry in public . Its sucks though . I cnnt do anything but to pray fr the best fr him .
Memories flash back , times when i praised him and told him he look handsome and cute and ask fr money . And he'll give us some and he'll kiss us. The worst was when he was on the bed dead , and Aunty Na just reached singapore and ran to my dad and huged and cried. i dont know la. i miss him very much . I want him back in my life. Atuk , i love you very much . My prayers are with you . Ily . You're the best.
Never cried this much fr a very long time. Hope i could hug you fr the last time . But i guess its too late.
Labels: Prayers.