Thursday, January 28, 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Im SUPER bored. Since im not schooling nor working . When out with sha ytd.
We were suppose to watch Ny ily. But we were late so went tamp to see if theres any movie
to watch and none were interesting fr me. So decided to makan then Sit around . Before heading off the tamp to sit around we bought NAIL POLISH . Again , yay yay ! (: Anyways, We when afgan Mac to sit and guess who i saw ... Yayah , Afiqul , Aslam and Humairah .
Normal routine Hugged yayah . Its been awhile since i last saw her. Talk to humairah and yayah . Bla bla bla. Then continue what i was doing with sha then head home around 9 plus.
SHIRIEYN SIDEK, WHEN AM I GOING TO MEET YOU ? Bile nak pergi the pizza thing ?
Shaaa, i want pics;) Sorry i didnt wanna watch My ex with you ! Not my kind of movie, sorry (:
Assalamuailakum (:
Labels: Im happy (:
Days of our lives.,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Okay , Im finally updating my blog .
You're lucky cause im really patient. If not ill be a bitch.
And thank god ily .
Anywhoooo, I finish watching Scrub season 1 to season 8 . Hell yeah , it wass gooooood.
Cried last few episodes. Goood show. Next, Glee season 1 . My dearly brother
downloaded (: Thank god. No need to wait till Every thursday .
Which is 1 week . Hmm, must meet up soon fr the pizza thingy (:
And i need MORE pictures.
Ite results are coming. On 27. Same as you Olevel student.
Not looking forward too. I seriously dont feel like schooling .
And im not working! YAY.
Lifeeeeees goood (:
FIRDAUSSS , Farah , Adi , Berwin , Drama club , SCs IFckingMYA !
Labels: Lovely star(:
Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 3:27 AM
I've been having emotional ride these few days.
And it sucks. Help me , please.
Labels: Where are you ?
Thing've changed.,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 5:30 AM
You just wont stop lying , now will you?
When will you ever realize?
I hate that i miss you alot. Tsk.
I miss my friends.
FINALLY met Rieyn and Sha after awhile.
Next, the pizza thingy or picnic. Yay(:
Still not schooling. Dont ask :D
And im lovingggg it :P.
I hate it when you give me attitude, A.
Labels: Its not always about you.
Can you?(:,
Friday, January 15, 2010 @ 1:43 AM
Take me out to watch the sunset.
View beautiful sicnery.
Plan a lovely picnic.
Watch the stars.
And tell me you love me.
Labels: Wishes
Make me smile, will you ?,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Take me somewhere where i could just lye down and watch the clouds or stars.
Please, somebody.
Labels: I must be dreaming.
Fantasy .,
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 1:49 AM

I went to the GYM
Shock ?
So am i .
I was sweating like a pig. Hafiz was there to help me out, mind you his my brother.
I swear i didnt sweat that much for a long time.
Anyways , i went home fisrt and watch Up with mom and sis.
When i just finish toasting my bread , and sitting at the sofa
I only took 1 bite and Hafiz reach home.
H; Put that down
Me; *Sad face*
H; You wanna lose weight kan ? LISTEN TO ME.
Me; *Puts the bread down* Can i eat ?
H; You just ran and now you wanna eat ? This is how you become fat.
Me; Whatt , i lapar righttt?!
H; Take only 1 slice. The rest give to mama.
Me; Can i drink milo ? Gives sad face to Hafiz.
H; Ya and two more slice of bread. THATS IT.
Me;*Takes out 3 slice of plain bread*
H; *Takes tw bread away* NO DAYAH !
Me; What the FUCK! You said i could eat 2 bread. This is only my first.
Me; *Run to the kitchen to fight fr my stomach* YOU SAID TWO, THIS IS ONLY 1.
H; No . Drink milo dah full.
Mum; HAHA, padan muke. Fatty fatty fatty .
Me; *Shows mum middle finger*
Yes , we are open with my parents.
Sad right ? I cant even eat now.
Well, i wanna lose weight right ?
Gotto do what i've gotto do .
Watched The proposal. Yes , i cried AGAIN.
Now watching Sleepless in Seattle, classic :D
You'll never notice will you ?
Stupid boy.
Labels: Fml.
Hoping, Wishing, Praying.,
Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 11:17 PM

Met farah .
Went back to school to pass Lib book to zul .
And i cant return it, since its not mine.
Waste my bloody time.
Head to Tamp to have lunch
Bought new nail polish (((:
Head to Pasir ris to eat frozen yogurt.
Then head got home.

Then while eating some guy prank me. I swear , khai . FAIL. Simei maner ader Lib ? Tsk.
Then talk talk talk. Went home , met fira. Had a goood catch up (:
Labels: Its you.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 2:01 PM
Sleptover Sha house. Like old timeee. It felt good. I got nothing to hide from her. She knows EVERYTHING. Ya, Anyways. Shirieyn came in the morning at 7 plus. Made breakfast, slept. :P
Hahahahaha. Woke up , talk talk talk talk. Dad told me to get ready and stuff.
Went to Ehub. Eat at pastamania then we watched Old dogs .
Which was FUNNY. Like really funny. I laughed so hard me and sister hit each others head. Imagine that. HAHA. I can bet the person next to me thinks im crazy .
Now, im sick :( Huhu.
ba ba black ship
have you any wool ?
Sitting home, doing nothing.
Thinking if i'll make it or not.
Labels: Waiting.
To hell with it,
Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 11:45 PM
Argh, why cant i live the way i want too? Tsk, get everything i want. Alaaa chocs. Dream on laaa. Tsk, fuck
Labels: HELLO 2010