Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 1:21 PM

Okay , Made cupcakes with Nat and Nanah on the 24. Pictures in her blog.
On the 25 Bbq , tak menjadi i tell you . Even though alot didnt turn up. It was fun . AND FUCKING HOT LA . Played truth or dare. HAHA , rieynnn. K , enough . Anw's , The others when home so we called afeeq and Muizz to come join us . Then , the after party started. HAHA, FUNNY SHIT SIA! I laugh till i fall and my dress got wet, cibai . Game bodoh , BETUL BODOH. Truth and dare again. Then my daddy pic me up (: Haha. He say the cupcakes we make nice ! YAY !
AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY NASIR. even though im not close to you .
Kemas rumah time.
Labels: After party.
Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 12:41 AM

I would like to thank Junie Zafira for helping me (: ILY !

Shirieyn said i was clubbing material , HAHA.
I take that as a compliment that i dance well.

Prom was the boom. Even though it was in school . It was FUN ! Besides the game.
Eveything was perfect . (:
Thanks to SC ! Love you guys ! (:

This was my favorite part. Adli told us to go down if we dont wanna dance( even though i wanted to ), there was a surprise for us. And i was the first to go check it out. It was super dark going down the stairs and i saw the lane full of candle directing us to somewhere and that somewhere i saw this huge heart. I felt like crying cause its SUPER NICE , omg how i wish someone was with me . My point is , It was super nice . Thats all .
Labels: Maybe its you ?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 2:01 AM
My turnnnnn (:Kay , this is MY blog. Unfortunately Shirieyn remembers my password.
And keep bugging me to update, so i asked her to update fr me. Haha,

now im updating.
Yes we are going out tomorrow, i want to buy shoes (:
We shall slowly find okay ? Stupid prom .
Went shopping with mom and dad just now at vivo.
Mom and dad fought about what im wearing , haha!
Dad is on my side, choosing accessories and stuff.
CUTE or what ? Anyways, ily mummy and daddy(:
SHIRIEYN, dont be late tomorrow . Please. Lots of place to go tauuu ! Wear something comfortable so we wont complain bout our leg aching. OKAY ! ? (:
And we'll make it happen ! Don't worry. And Yes, i'll bring my cam.
See yaaa(:
@ 2:00 AM

Hello darla! I still remember your password, heh heh. Dear readers, our darling Choco here is one lazy bugger. She expects people to update, yet she doesn't do it herself. Huhu.
Yay, I'm going out with you later! :D Thanks for accompanying me((: Love you manyak-manyak. We shall have so much fun and take lotsa pictures okay? (Which means you have to bring your camera. Hehe.) And if I'm cranky tomorrow, smack me. Hahahahaha. And bitching session tmr eh? I feel like bitching uh. Huahuahua.
Okay, your turn to update! ;D
Must i ?,
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Till when ?
Labels: Where are you ?
Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 7:05 PM

Drama.I love drama. The best cca i've ever joined . All those craziest funniest stupid moment are countless. The best. I remember EVERYONE ( seniors ) quitting their cca just to make a Drama Club. And it was hilarious . Then came the sec 1 which was Maverick and others. Fun fun fun. And we bonded real good, till now. Times with Edwin was a killer yet fun. He could be a bitch sometimes but its all worth it.
Anyway, the party was a blast. Had fun . The speech was great but i didnt cry like SOME ONE DID. HAHA. Well, my eye went watery twice but didnt cry . Cause someone ruin the whole thing.Whatever it is ,
I LOVE DRAMA CLUB.After the party, went to tamp. With Rieyn Nanah and Nat. The who's next.
Then went home. Swimming again . Tonight going again . OMG.
4 nights in a row. Tsk.
Planned BBQ With Maverick fr US. More info Call me.
Labels: BITCH.
Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 1:21 AM
I baked CAKE today with nadia love and it was PERFECT!
till, the FUCKING ICING ruin it. :( Let the picture explain

Still it taste GOOOD, but TOO sweet. Will make better one
next timee right nadiaaaaa?!
Just went we thought we were experts our cake turn like ,
that as you can seee. TA DA! :(
Can't wait for tomorrow farewell party( fuck, what to wear ), going back to school ! Wow.
I miss everyone. Get ready for lots of hugs . Hmmmm.
Went swimming yesterday and today , to exercise.
And Zul say its USELESS. It wont help. Wow, thanks fr the tip eh ?
Okay , its 1.35am. I guess im gonna sleep .
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox ILYm
Labels: M.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 3:33 AM

Thank you (:
Labels: Much love
Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Okay, its been days since i blog. Pls ignore the previous post. SHIRIEYN has no life , ILY though :B

It been years.
Anyways, I've been worrying bout my Nlevel result. Now then i realize that during that period, i've been slacking. OMG. Even though i studied. Stupid me.
What if i dont pass?
What if i dont get it ?
What if i dont get what i expect?
Fuck man.
Been having lots of thinking, and i always turn to Shirieyn . The best ! HAHA :D
But theres something you dont want to share and hide those feeling to yourself.
Well , yeah . I have alot. But , i only manage to tell to 2 or 3 people i dearly trust.
You cant always keep it to yourself now can you ? Choose to tell people who you think you can trust. Been there fr you by hook or crook.
K, wth am i babbling about ? Tsk, Choose your friends wisely.
Labels: Bye love.
Thursday, November 5, 2009 @ 11:53 PM
HELLO. Heh heh. Shirieyn here. Haha, Choco is sooo gonna kill me. Anyway, Chocs, I miss you. Huhu. Okbye.
Labels: hehe.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Hello .
Im fat. Im ugly.
Dont judge my pictures.I like being myself. Hee ;)

It's only 12 plus and it feels like its 2 or 3 .
O's are finishing soon. Yay, plan plan plan.
It sucks when you got nothing to do during the holidays .
Anyways, just came back from perth as you can see. I miss the weather even though it makes my skin F*cking dry . Its super cold but i love it. I even wore sleeveless (: Fats! Haha.
I love him too ! Sorry picture cant be posted. Nanah , rieyn and aishah says his cutee. Well, his mineee !(: Daddy approve to it too. Single ehh, not attch :)
By the way , nowadays
i feel empty. I don't know.
I feel like shitNeed someone who can blend the rainbow above me and shoot it in my veins
my heart has a lack of colour.
Labels: M
@ 12:22 AM
Maybe i've not ready to wake up
Maybe im scared.
When am i gonna realize that fairytale doesn't exist ?
What if i wait , and wait and i don't get what i want ?
Emo shit.
Kay , im sorry. Bye.
Labels: M.