Chicks BEFORE Dicks.,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 8:20 PM
Is it a must to have someone to be with ?
Or are they just for show ?
Some one you can use for your little games ?
Is it because you feel lonely and you just need someone to be "there" for you?
Someone, please explain me the need of friends? They come in a FULL package. You'll build a strong a friendship between each other. Different kinds of friendship with one another. They'll be there for you whenever you need help. Guys come and go if you don't notice. We come and stay no matter. We'll be there to comfort you no matter what happens. Be happy with what you have, cherish them. Don't start to miss them when they're gone. Cause, one day they will go.
Baby Just call my name, and I'll be there.
Labels: Sometimes, they not worth it for.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 5:27 PM

Sorry for not posting fr a Long time. I was busy(: Lets keep you updated .
- I officially step down from SC board. Had four days MC, but still went to school.
- Still got stories to tell about man united, but i guess I'm just too lazy to type.
- Celebrate Aishah's 16 Birthday at pastamania.
- Went to madrasah after 1 whole month of not coming.
- Went geylang with nenek ? Okay, that wasn't necessary to tell.
- Had my prelim, loss 5 marks for Math paper1 and 8 marks for EBS paper.
- I SLEPT IN THE HALL DURING EXAMINATION. Not a big huha, but i dont sleep and never sleep in school or during lessons or exams. Paper starts at 1120 i finish doing my paper at 1135. And i had 45mins of doing nothing.
- Anyways, im gonna fail tomorrow both papers. CPA and Science Paper2
Thats all i guess.
Labels: White shoe:)
Glory Man United.,
Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 11:22 PM

OMGOMGOMG (:Anw, I when to f21 and i only found 1 thing i like and i cant find the wallet i want, stupid. Currently in KL TAAAA
Labels: Manu.
You change my life.,
Thursday, July 16, 2009 @ 11:06 PM

As the day past, i never thought i would be who i am today, Happy as ever.
As i look back in the past or read my old dairy, i laugh at myself for being so dumb .
Crying over this guy, crying over that guy. Loving him, and the other one too. HAHA.
Can you imagine, i was that lame. Haha, to change who i was , i am to start over again.
Life is just like a new book.
New story line.
Labels: Wanna join ?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 4:19 PM

I've change my skin . Okay tak ? I feel so innocent sia.
Anw, had school per normal. Nothing special. Didn't have prelims today.
Next week starts again. And, im stepping down soon ! YAY!!!! I cannot wait.
But i'll miss everyone. There's been the ups and downs during my SC life, trust me . Alot do happen. Its just a position. Doesn't make a difference.
Anyways, I would like to wish all the Nominees Good Luck for tomorrow's result. Which will be release at 5 plus. :D Dont worry about the posotion you get. Be happy that you're selected , okay ? Dont Give up (: I'll be there for each and one of you . Im proud of each one of you. We've been together since last 3 years and i see much difference in everyone of you. Have faith in yourself, okay ? (:
I've been in the board for the past 3 1/2 years. Im proud to be what i am now, thanks to my seniors:)
Much love, Choco
Where are you ?,
Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 4:03 AM

Hello my dear readers.
I just finish watching twilight which i've watched for a million time
And i also did watch My sassy Girl. Fulamak. I love the movie.
And i cried watching both. Not surprise. Haha.
Anyways, i had my prelim this week and it was okay.
I had difficulty doing my Malay cause i didnt understand. (It was about pregnant stuff)
And also for English Paper 1 . I had to write a compo about AYG or something
Bullshit laa . I didnt want to do but i'll lose 30 marks. So i did something rather
nothing right ? I wasted 20 min staring at the paper and daydreaming, at the last page.
SUNGGUH MEREPEK you know the English Paper1 . Ugh. The rest was okay.
My oral was just now , 10thjuly2009 . I was laughing my ass out la in the hall
with others, they were berpatun-ing each other.Haha. And my oral was easy(:
I laughed with the invigilator, is that wrong ? Omg, idk. Die. Haha. But i had fun :D
Before that, met farrah. RINDU DIA! Haha, shes super slim la now. Walao. I feel fatter now beside her. Wait, iam fat. Pfft. Anyways, im watching made of honour . Tata for now(:
If you feel a sudden presence beside you
that will be me loving you
where ever i am .
Labels: I just cant seem to find you.
Enough of your lies.,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @ 11:37 PM

And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry.
Stupid boy, you think im gonna fall for you after what you did to me?
Pls, go away .
Labels: Mf tul., T
@ 12:10 AM
FRIENDS ♥My dear friends, i love you all from the bottom of my heart(:
idk why im typing this. Just read(:
Ily all till the end, every single one of you. We got our own specialty between each others.
Its not the matter of who you spend most of your time with, Its the matter who been there when you needed someone to talk to , to just listen when you need a listening ear or a crying shoulder.
Labels: ILY .