Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 7:09 PM
Sorry for not updating stuff. Been busy and LAZY(: Okay, so this whole week ive been gng to sch and shit you know ? Everyday life, Boring. Except on tuesday. I felt Sick "Ehem" so ya. Wanted to go doctor but lazy so i stayed home watching movie here and there , relaxing my ass off. And i Fucking waste 1hour of my EBS coursework. So blablabla ya. Today friday the 27 of march, i watched twilight AGAIN and Confession of a shopaholic which i've been dying to watch. Cried watching both. How cn u not cry watching TWILIGHT? Urg, this past hour i kept thinking of twilight NONSTOP, its like they're stuck in your brain. I hate it, its irritating. And I jealous! I want a boyfriend like Edward Correct spelling ? DK,DC. Ugh, DAMN . Confession of a shopaholic was GOOD to me. But 1/10 of the movie was blocked and stuff. The quality was not bad, its still watchable so yaaa. I love twilight. hais. I guess tht's all i gotto say fr now. I cnt think of anything else. Gotto watch SUCI! [: Tata ppl.
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 1:32 PM
Okay, lets talk about ytd . Hmmp. Went to drama which starts at 8. Woke up, felt like crying. Cause i was SUPERDUPER lazy laaa. and i was the frist to wake up. Got ready for drama and Nana called asking if i was coming and stuff. Met her in the train with aqilah and caveman(Sufyan) We thought we were late fr drama so we walk VERY FAST and when we reached school i realise my phone sticker fell . We wanted to trace back our steps but we were late as it was 8.05 so we ran up to the hall and all we see was 3 people onlyyy. ! Walao. Waste my time walk so fast, Cb. Anw after drama went to hannah house and her sisters dont have the gate key so we cant go in. =.=! So we went to the playground and took picture, the previous post. And the swing was like a basket. Its like a baby thing that swingswing to make the baby sleep but this was the BIGGER version. So i sat in there and the rest joined and took picture. While taking picture and stuff Aslam came to meet shirin and yayah. So me and hannah went to up to cook for them prata pizza. NICE ! we cooked 5 , so every1 have 1 . Yayah called saying Aslam when home so they coming up. Then we watch SLUMDOG. 3/4 ending yayah met her cuz. We and hannah felt like crying but we didnt . HAHA. It was my third time watching . haha. Shirin was like covering her face for i dont know why. She said her dont like this kind of movie. haha, so yaa. After the movie we went home hannah send me till the school bustop
Shirin: Eh, 38 run uh choco.
Choco: Wah so near the busstop i cn reach there before the bus.( We were still far frm the bustop)
Choco: Dunwan uh, i taking 12.
Hannah: Ah, there 12 reaching. RUN CHOCO RUN.
Choco: I DONT WANNA run . Lazy (: Hehe.
Choco: Hannah u temaning me right at the bustop ?(reach the bustop already )
Hannah: yahh laa i teman u .
Shirin : Eh, Another 12.
Hannah: Aper niii. ?!
All lauggh. Haha.
K, whatever. go home SLEEP ! haha. Woke up watched SUCI! haha. I cried. Kecian tawww!
love the show mann! k, now i freaking bored. Iam home alone. Daddy went to JB after friday prayers. Haiz. Today, i gonna finish the SC profile and the Online homework. LAZY sia!
Today's picture.,
Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 10:35 PM

HannahSYG and myself.

We look FAT omg.

No comment.


Hannah and me AGAIN(:
I'll talk about what happen and what we did the next post. [: Tata, Nights.
Some quiz ?,
@ 4:29 PM
Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
Cheek2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
effing lazy.
3. Who was the last person who you took photo with?
HannahSYG(:4. Would you consider to be spoiled?
Nope.5. Would you ever donate blood?
Well, it depans6. Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
Duuh7. Do you want someone dead?
Erm, no ?8. What does your last text msg say?
Then u use last time 1 issit ? Wenxin.9. What are you thinking of right now?
To continue doing the SC profile.
10. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
Yup.11. When did you go to sleep last night?
12 plus12. Where did you bought your T-shirt that you are wearing now?
School?13. Is someone in your mind right now?
Yes, my late grandfather:(14. Who is the last person who texted you?
Wenxin15. People tagged to do this quiz?
- Nanah
- Yayah
- Hannah
- Shirin
- Bella
- Nadia
- Zhen lu
- Fira
- Filzah
- Fatin
16. Who is 2 having a relationship with?
No one ?17. Is 3 female or male?
Female18. If 7 and 10 gets together will it be a good thing?
Nope, they don't know each other19. What is 1 studying about?
Lit , i guess? 20.Is 4 single?
Nope.21. Say something about 5
Some one who i use to be very close too. 22. What do you think about 3 and 6 together?
Both girls ? 23. Describe no. 9
Cute24. What will you do if 6 and 7 fight?
They wont, cause they dont know one another.25. Do you like no. 8?
Yes, I LOVE HER. My cousin[:
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Woke up at 7.56 due to amirah's call . And she told me shes coming at 9.30 with yayah. She's suppose to came at 8.30 and leave at 12 for school, but the class timing change timing and she didnt know. Yayah and amirah came over for SWIMMING. We're suppose to go running after that but unfortunately I was too LAZY run. Haha . After swimming we went sauna. I actually didnt sweat much. Hmmp, i didnt care though. Anw, after sauna everyone looked at the mirror with a worried face and yayah was shouting "OMGOMGOMGOMG!" all the way cause she got two skin ton. Which was FREAKING OBVIOUS two TOTALLY different colour. We all got darker. Even me , so ya. Anw, we all jump into the Jacuzzi for awhile, waste our time drying ourself in the sauna.
Went home bath, yayah cooked maggi for everyone. While eating shamyn called saying "Choco, can come you house ? " So i said yeah sure. When they reached Amirah and yayah when home after 5 min ltr. 2 come 2 out. Get it ? Nvm. So yaa, me myn and hannah w

atched JUNO, good movie. Then we kemaskemas(tidy up) abit, washing the utensile and stuff. Then after that we talkedtalktalked till 4 plus then hannah need to go. So myn follow out together. Then the whole house to myself. Did some SC stuff that need to be done. And because of that i cant finish my book i borrowed. So yaa.
If you seek amy , i love that song
Maybe by secondhand serenade. Go litsen :D
Dont wish for me to be gone cause onces
im gone, trust me u gonna miss me like hell.
If you notice, it seems like im the only one who
love you, like no other.
Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 9:15 PM

Stupid, i woke up in the morning around 7 plus due to someones msg and my body ache like shit . Damn, im not blaming the person who msg me but to body ache. Argh, dammit. It still hurt like shit. When i woke up msgmsgmsg till 8 plus then sleep again. till 11 plus. When i woke up NOBODY was home. I panic for AWHILE cause i thought my dad not working and where the hell is he ? So i called up my mom at the office to ask , and he was playing badminton . LOL . ANW, dad bought me nasi ayam fr breakfast which i didn't finish eating cause the rice was DAMN STICKY and not nice. After that, i watch SUCI! since ytd i didnt get to watch due to qistina who force me to play badminton with her, HMMP. So yaaa. watchwatchwatch then bath . Iron my uniform go to school came back school, i only when to school for 1 FREAKING hour then went home. Student councillor had interview just now. So i had to attend. Went home watch tv blahblahblah mom reached home cooked aglio oglio , some pasta. We ate as a family watch tv, blablabla. Watch SUCI! blablabla, so yaa. Now, im blabbling all the way [: Tmr got drama from 2till5 alaaaaaa, MALAS! Fuckit.
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 8:38 PM

Remember, the last post i said about the 6A's? There, i took a pic of it.
Haha, semangat sak choco. Anw, HOW THE FUCK am i suppose to get 6A's when i get
English; D
Math; C
Science; D
Wah, i feel damn stupid. Seriously man! Just so you know, I'm in NT stream.
I feel MORE STUPID. Fuck it. I'm proud to be in NT, NEVER LOOK DOWN ON NT Student.
Me and Firdaus happen to be the FRIST NT exco in the Student Councillor . Well, ya. Whatever.
So now, idc about my CT result. I still got time to improve.

MEOW! Pinky la ! Cute kann ? Ish, geram!
She's the prettiest cat i know. My cat mahhh. [:
hahahihihahaho, k lame. =.=!

Wake up at 6 and told myself not to go to school BUT i had CPA coursework so because of CPA coursework i come to school, i f not i think i Damn lazy to go. Didnt all the pages i need to do and im only left with putting sound and two pages. The pages are about us and contact us. I cn change bt lazy ! But will change, soon. Anw, during science i cried! Because i was thinking about my class. HAHA! Lame i know, i love my class okay ? 4 years same class, without a single change. I realise we got closer this year. Muchmuch closer than before. So ya. Its hard to let them go. K shut up choco. Anw, went home and it was RAINING. So i when i reach home i......SLEEEP! What a nice weather to sleep . Haha, SUCI TODAY WAS WOW! I WANT GET MYSELF A BOYFRIEND LIKE DANNISH. ! UGH. So cuteeee. Jealous, hmmp. And today im SUPERDUPER mad at someone. Urgh, guys cn never be trusted. A man is only as sick as his secret.
Haha. Just so you knw, IHY more than ever. Lie lie and lie some more, thats what you do.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 9:18 PM
Slap my face and tell me "
ITS JUST A FREAKING STORY" Gowd. I cried watching
Suci just now. it's like OMG! Even though its STUPID and whatever you people may think it is, i cant STOP watching it. Its in my head. Just like
twilight. I cried watching that story, wait! I even cried watching KongFuPanda PLS, dont ask. I cry watching every movie. KINGKONG die i also cry. And thats a joke in my family.
ARG!(Pls dont think im emo cause im SO NOT) Anyways, I came late just now due to diarrhoea. SERIOUSLY! The rest no need to know.
Im a good girl[:
Anyways, had drama today and we were late and we got scolded from Edwin, hais. Didnt did much today at drama. Played
taiti (Card game, sorry if spelled wrongly) with mi and the rest. Its been a
LONG time since i played
taiti . Iam a good girl who is not suppose to play this all this card games in sch. Hmmp.
Anyways, i have this FOCUS postcard and i pasted
6A's on it. And its right infront of me. Starting next week, i'll start my studying. REALLY STUDY. No kidding. Nlevel is 80plus more days or is it prelims, i have no freaking idea. So i gotto start soon. I've been saying this alot but not started, so i decided to buy all the materials i need and start. And i already have my timetable pasted on in my room and on the wallpaper of my phone.
Everything has changed.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
When i think of you, it hurt real bad.
Am i stupid or dumb?
When you're right there free
and available trying to make
me fall for you, i played hard to get.
Now, i see you with other girl
Im hurt and jealous.
BAMM! Stupidity strikes me.
I HIDE my feelings when you happily
told me you were attch with a girl who appreciate
your love. I did CARE and was CONCERN about you
I guess i didnt show enough for you to notice.
Choco ♥
Sorry if you dont understand anypart/anything, I just type what i feel .
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 @ 9:58 PM
1/3 of the Pictures
Lutfi's dad bought this kitten, CUTEEE!
The Cake. Nice rigth the picture ?! Aha.
Lutfi Hadi.

How cute? They watchign Upin&Ipin, it a kids show. And its good
Umar laughing at the show. I love this picture.
Sister brother love. Cute!
Look at umar's face. Haha(:
Well, this is all i got for now ((: And my result fr CT
Eng: 27/40 Pls, dont ask why. Im dissapointed myself.
Math: 21/30 5 MARKS lost to careless mistake. Always happens.
Malay: 20/30 FULAMAK! I PASS ! HAHA
So ya. Dissapointed. Shall Study[:
Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 8:29 PM
Waddup yaww! Am so sorry that the recent post is
UNreadable . I didn't know i was going to be that small. Anyways! Here what i did during the weekend and today (:
Woke up when woodlands to pick up mom's favourite "daughter", MARYAM.And i met AHMAD
OMG Super cuter
laa. i carried him and his was DROOLING
on me. And the worst part. I was wearing sleeveless . It was freaking Disgusting, but it was okay i got use to it.
Haha. Anyways, when
macdonald carrying Ahmad holding
Umar's hand. I think people think
im like a mother or something.
Thats what my daddy said. Cause
imbig size. I
dont want to say fat. It not nice to hear(: So ya. So people were really looking and thinking. Funny la but ya. Then when home , with only
umar and parents. Ahmad was taken by his dad so ya. Anyways, They stayed at my house till like
erm, 9
arnd there. Then
CikYah took them for a sleepover at her place. And my parent left to
JB at 4 , so i was like the only one taking care of them. There was me and Hafiz "Useless Brother" , So ya. At one i was super MAD at my brother and trow the baby bottle at him and ACCIDENTALLY hit
umar head. And he cried,
omg.! I felt super bad but at that time i just went in my room . So brother took them to Shop to buy them something to eat, JUNK FOOD . So ya.
Thats all.
Woke up 8.15 bath
blabla. And it my first time going to
madrasah wearing
JUBA. Its cool you know! And my first time wearing scarf those
arab way. Anyways, me.
nadia and
Izza always grand entrance. We reach at 9.30
arnd there. So we sat
INFRONT no choice, there was no seat left so ya. So when we when in
Izza was the first one then Nadia then Myself. And
uztad said "Ni
datin datin dari Brunei ah
ni lagi satu dari (Some
arab country i forget)
abeh yang last
tu dari Jamaica" And then EVERYONE laugh.
Haha, cute right my
uztad ?
Haha, his the best la.
Anw during the break i went to
coldstorage in front and bought .. MACARONI and CHEESE! Its been months since i found the brand i wanted. Anyways, after
madrasah i went to uncle house. From wearing
juba, so Innocent and sweet to wearing sleeveless and short.
HAHA! Whatever, anyways! we ate STEAMBOAT ,
SEDAP! And we karaoke like no ones business . Is was a
gooooood day.
I woke up late today, 6.05. I was rushing laa. But luckily i didn't miss the bus Nana took. So ya. Today late comer was ALOT la. I run back to class just in time, Mr osman was giving out the paper already. Btw, we(sc) didn't finish our jobs since there was toooo many ppl who came late. So Mr Zaldy ask the security ti tske over. Luckily uhh. And the paper was SUPER EASY! To me la, the rest thought it was hard. But theres only ONE question i didn't know. So ya. What happen in school ? Nth you should know. HAHA! Tomorrow got drama. Super lazy la but what can i do ? Preparing for SYF. That's all! Toddles. Nights[:
I'll post some photos the next post[: